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Gua Sha Cold and Flu Self-Care
Promotional Videos
What is Gua Sha? (1:12)
Module One: What is Gua Sha?
Welcome (0:48)
What to Expect (1:30)
What is Gua Sha? (1:24)
Who is Leta (1:31)
Benefits of Gua Sha (1:25)
Gua Sha Tools (2:42)
What is Qi? (1:39)
What is Wind? (1:50)
How to Hold Your Spoon (1:41)
Let's Start Spooning (3:43)
Gua Sha Contraindications
Module 1 Homework
Top 20 Gua Sha Checklist
Module Two: What You Need to Know
Module Two: Overview (1:16)
What is Gua Sha Good for? (5:11)
Gua Sha Contraindications (7:55)
You Have to Start Somewhere (1:56)
What Ifs (4:36)
What to Do After Receiving Gua Sha (1:48)
Cleaning Up/Good Hygiene (1:50)
When to Do Gua Sha Again (1:09)
Contraindications Downloadable PDF
Module 2 Homework
Module Three: Getting in the Zone
Module Three: Overview (1:11)
Levels of Pressure (2:14)
Fleshy vs. Bony Areas (2:14)
Directions (2:40)
Gua Sha is Only Skin Deep (2:12)
Gua Sha for Colds and Flu (1:37)
Gua Sha for Children (1:20)
Getting in the Zone (1:09)
Gua Sha Directions Downloadable PDF
Don't Overdo It (2:32)
Module 3 Homework
Module Four: Gua Sha in Action
Module Four: Overview (0:46)
Gua Sha in Action - Neck and Back (19:28)
Arms and Shoulders (6:06)
Low Back and Hips (11:25)
Legs and Feet (4:46)
Working with Injuries (6:05)
Module 4 Homework
Module Five: Self-Care
Module Four: Overview (1:05)
How to Hold Your Spoon for Self-Care (1:18)
Self-Care for Pain (11:33)
Self-Care for Colds and Flu (5:26)
Jing-Well Points (5:40)
The Meridians of the Arms (1:24)
Advanced Gua Sha for Pain Techniques
Working with Pain and Gua Sha
Acute vs. Chronic Pain
To Ice or Not to Ice
Learning the Meridians
Moving Gua Sha
Who is Leta
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